Best news of the day: Daily Science Fiction picked up my story “18 Things Only A Martian Mom Will Understand (You Won’t Believe #13!)” It was inspired by Cassandra Khaw‘s tweet challenge: write Buzzfeed-like headlines from a dystopia. This title, then story immediately wrote themselves. DSF was the first and obvious place to send it.

I have also seen The Dragon Round  in the wild at last at the 555 Fifth Avenue B&N. B&N has given it great placement: face out on the New SF/F shelf in every story around where I live and work.  The sunrise cover really pops next to its neighbors. I appreciate the store’s support. I could use some reviews there, though…

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I’ve also written a bunch of blog posts in support of the book:

Stephen S. Power: How My Novel Saved Me From Drowning


A Peek into the World of Publishing, Interview with Stephen S. Power, Senior Editor for AMACOM

What Do Editors Want? The Five Things to Include in Your Business Book Proposal

This week I’ll follow up that last one with five thing editors don’t want to see, then a long series on creating the “why to buy” for your book, that is, instead of writing a book, then trying to figure out to get it published and sold, building a business model for your book before you pick up your pen.

Now to incorporate my agent’s edits to the first chapter of The Dragon Tower and the synopsis for submission to S&S as their option.  Tonight, of course, I’ll be watching the Hugo Award ceremony. Here’s how:

Can anyone tell I’ve just discovered how create link profiles?

Have a good week.