If you’ve come here because you read my story “To Have And To Hold” at Daily Science Fiction, thanks. It’s my second story there with a third, “Climbing High,” to be published soon. I have another under consideration currently, but I don’t want to speak about that one lest I jinx myself.
It’s gratifying for my work to appear at DSF. I commute to New York City by train, and each morning the first thing I do after settling in is read the day’s story. Then I start writing whatever I’ve assigned myself for the trip. If you haven’t already subscribed, I heartily suggest it. You’ll find links to some of the DSF stories I’ve enjoyed listed under my “Recommended” tab.
The inspiration for “To Have” was two-fold. One, I wanted to write a story in a non-traditional form, something I’ve been doing frequently of late. I have stories on submission that are modeled on, respectively, a NY Times Magazine feature piece and on the magazine’s “Diagnosis” column. A vetting letter, which editors request from Legal for manuscripts they think could pose a risk of litigation, seemed like an interesting way to tell the story of a book I couldn’t write myself (because I’d be a poor face for the book) while also telling the story of the reader.
The book, Lovecasting, was the other inspiration. I got the idea for it years ago when I misread the title of a Wiley book called “Locavesting.” I assure you that if it were actually published, magical or not, it would sell tens of thousands of copies. It would be to tween girls what Necronomicon is to tween boys.
Having been one of those tween boys, it was a kick to work with Necronomicon. Twice a year I made sure the Mad Arab’s royalties were properly calculated and his checks sent on time so horrors weren’t unleashed upon me. I must have done a good job because I got a nice basket from him each year at the holidays.
Fittingly, The Satanic Bible was also on my backlist. Ironically, so were Catherine Marshall’s Christy and the rest of her books. They battled constantly for sales supremacy like ineffable cosmic giants. I can report no winner. Yet.
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